Meet our new colleagues Oskari Peltonen, Ella Talme, Katarina Pichna and Otso Harmaajärvi

The VALOR team continues to grow. Four new trainees join our team: welcome Oskari Peltonen, Ella Talme, Katarina Pichna and Otso Harmaajärvi.

Oskari has experience in data-driven research and has an analytical approach to new challenges. Oskari is studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Ella has previous experience as an analyst in a quantum computing company. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and is pursuing a Master’s degree in the same field at Aalto University.

Prior to VALOR, Katarina has worked at Nokia in two different teams in mobile networks and at Slush in the partnerships team. Katarina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and is currently studying Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University.

Otso has worked in M&A, corporate finance and growth investing. He is currently finishing his MSc in Finance at Aalto University.

We also had a chance to get to know our new colleagues a bit more.

What is your most memorable client encounter?

Oskari: Already during the second week of the internship I had a client meeting with the mayor and the CEO of a large energy company.

Ella: After many years of customer service experience, it’s hard to name a single most memorable customer encounter. The most memorable customer encounters are definitely situations where the customer’s expectations were exceeded. I have also remembered many moments in the restaurant industry where I have been able to turn even the busiest moments into happy encounters with a positive attitude.

Otso: One of them will certainly be my first customer meeting at VALOR, which I was able to attend after only three hours in the building!

Katarina: One of my previous summer jobs was as a customer service representative for a global furniture retailer. My most memorable customer encounter is a call where a customer was very upset that something had happened to her child who had stayed home while she was shopping in our store. The customer demanded compensation and would not take no for an answer. I stayed calm and we reached a compromise!

What three words would you use to describe your feelings about the coming autumn at VALOR?

Oskari: Excited, interested, and motivated

Ella: Eager to learn!

Otso: I think working at VALOR will counterbalance the traditional Finnish autumnal mood, so let’s say bright, warm and promising.

Katarina: Eager, energized and hopeful